About Tami


My name is Tami (Tameka A. Coley) and I’m a writer/’Blogtivist’—a term I coined to reflect my championing of mental health awareness and non-discrimination causes on and offline. I’m also the founder and proprietor of Tsansai Creative Services which encompasses consultancy—marketing communications, make-up and creative arts— mental health awareness and advocacy. You can sign up here for news of my events and #itsokayJA mental support group.

…My credentials

I have 12 years of experience as a journalist, 11 as a blogger, nine years in events, digital marketing and communications, and eight years in creative consultancy, with a Literatures in English Bachelor of Arts degree; and was certified as a make-up artist in 2012.

Re: mental health and wellness, I’m from the Jamaican countryside (Siloah, St. Elizabeth), grew up in a family where natural healing and spirituality is very important to us, plus, in addition to being a caregiver to mentally challenged persons, I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 disorder (severe), (mild) anxiety and (chronic) insomnia, plus a bunch of other things to a lesser degree and have battled depression most of my life.

I became an advocate with my ‘coming out’ weird post here due to frustration with being stigmatised and now practice #MindBeingWellness to combat my mental health challenges and live a more holistic, fulfilling life. Consequently, the blog has meandered from Sour Skittles into One Mind At A Time, a platform that helps millenials like myself take care of their mental well-being naturally and find clarity of self and purpose.

My first book, Hard Gal Fi Dead: Musings, Poems, Notes to self comes out in the first quarter of 2018; plus there’s my mental health e-mail newsletter which has tonnes of helpful and interesting reads coming to your inbox soon.

Please feel free to also take a look at some of my work and drop me a line at TAMI@TSANSAI.COM if you’d like to connect.

Thanks for visiting!



All views expressed on tsansai.com are my own and do not reflect the view of any company, brand, or employer past or present unless otherwise stated. In the same way any products and/or service/s mentioned here in any interview or feature are a representation of my own personal tastes and opinions and should not therefore be taken as endorsement, sponsorship or advertisement unless explicitly stated.

Please note also that as a writer and make-up artist, I take plagiarism very seriously and am well within my rights to sue anyone who shares my content as their own without proper accreditation, adapts and publishes my thoughts, images and words for themselves without proper referencing and citation, or intentionally misconstrues same for their own purposes.

That being said, you are free to re-post, share, quote/or take excerpt from my posts here as long as you credit me properly, or ask for (and subsequently receive) my written permission where necessary. However, in doing so, you are agreeing to indemnify me and hold me blameless and harmless from any and all damages, claims, lawsuits or any other legal action that should occur as a consequence of your decision to do so.

Disclaimer adapted from and inspired by fellow blogger and attorney-at-law, Cucumberjuice.


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